We Laugh Because We Believe

Author Patrick Archbold

What Does The #SynodWalkout Letter Really Say?

I have seen some criticism of the #SynodWalkout letter which says, “this is a bad idea, the good Bishops need to stay and work through the process.” My simple answer to that criticism is, READ THE LETTER. We do not… Continue Reading →

Urgent: Ask Faithful Bishops to Walk Out of the Synod

My friends. I have not given up yet. I have not resigned myself to the prescribed fate of the Synod of Doom. Some concerned friends and I got together and have produced an open letter to those faithful Synod Fathers… Continue Reading →

The Scariest Quote Of the Synod

Be afraid. Be very afraid. [Read to the end] As I have stated, the changes to the rules of the Synod are worrisome as they basically invest all power in the Pope. I mean, all power is with the Pope… Continue Reading →

Whither The GOP?

Wow. Just a month or so ago, the conventional wisdom was that John Boehner had nothing to fear from Mark Meadows assault on his speakership. Just conservative grandstanding with no chance of success, we were told. Then Boehner was gone…. Continue Reading →

The Synod’s ‘Maginot Line’

I have a blog post (my first) over at the Remnant blog entitled “The Synod’s Maginot Line” In it, I recall the folly of the Maginot line in WWII and how we are seeing it repeated by the so-called ‘conservative’ Bishops at… Continue Reading →

Means, Motive, And Opportunity

My latest for the Remnant has been posted online!! In this article I take a hard look at facts and disabuse people of the notion that the Pope has no interest in seeing the innovators succeed. When you see the… Continue Reading →

Gay Priest Commits Unforgivable Sin (No, not that sin, silly!)

If you haven’t bookmarked “What’s Up With The Synod” or added it to your feed yet, do it! Do it now!! Over there I have a new post about that gay priest things. In it I mention 3 Popes, George… Continue Reading →

Oh What Fresh Hell Is This?

All on the eve of the synod. I am sure this is just a coincidence. We are so friggin doomed. Homosexual lobby on offensive: CDF official comes out, demands Church takes gays ‘seriously’, change catechism http://t.co/KR0hc3bcMe — Edward Pentin (@EdwardPentin)… Continue Reading →

Live Blogging the Synod of Doom

I am happy to tell you that I will be part of a venture started by my friend Hilary White. It is a group blog formed for the purpose and duration of the Synod of Doom entitled “What’s Up With The… Continue Reading →

What Thou Must Know About The Synod

They will get their way NO. MATTER. WHAT. Because of their PR setbacks last year when their nefarious deeds became public, they are changing the rules. Just like the Pope circumvented all traditional process to implement his annulment reforms, they… Continue Reading →

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