If reports are true, this is good news. I wish it had been public, but I’ll take what I can get. It is, at the least. recognition by the pontiff of what the faithful are up against. Kim Davis, the… Continue Reading →
Wow. This is terrific, respectful but plain. This letter from the Superior General to Pope Francis on Marriage. It is outstanding. Big ht to Rorate Caeli. Would that we had 100 Bishops with the courtesy, courage, and clarity of Bishop… Continue Reading →
The word cloud for the Pope’s UN speech. *subhead*Whatevs.*subhead*
WASHINGTON — Speaker John A. Boehner, under intense pressure from conservatives in his party, will resign one of the most powerful positions in government and give up his House seat at the end of October, throwing Congress into chaos as… Continue Reading →
Word Cloud for the Pope’s address to Congress. What is missing? *subhead*What is missing?*subhead*
Idiot actress Rose McGowan, upset about the way that Hollywood treats women, decides to become a singer instead saying “I woke up one day and realized I hated acting and that I’d always hated it. Imagine, its predominantly men whose… Continue Reading →
After the last debate, Scott Walker had collapsing polls and no ability to get money. So rather than prolong the agony, rumor has it he is pulling the plug today. I have given up thinking I know how things will… Continue Reading →
When i gave voice to my concerns over Pope Francis’ annulment reforms and their potential for abuse (certainty in some places) a number of people responded to me with links and quotes from positive articles from some prominent canon lawyers…. Continue Reading →
When Good Bishop Morlino of the Diocese of Madison issued a letter to his Diocese a month ago about the SSPX, there was one line in the letter that jumped out and become the headline for many bloggers and Catholic… Continue Reading →
Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser on the (current) Fifth Age of the Church – Written in the early 1600’s, this is both a great summation of what approved Catholic prophecy indicates for our era and a great description of our times. Read… Continue Reading →
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