We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag Abortion

Ugliest Thing You’ll Read Today

So beatings are now a form of contraception? Get this, according to the Salt Lake Tribune: A judge has released a 17-year-old Vernal girl from jail after ruling she did not commit a crime when she allegedly paid a man… Continue Reading →

Jesus Gets Arrested…Again

You’ve got to wonder when this officer was arresting Jesus’ picture, did he have a moment where he questioned what he was doing? I’m thinking if I were putting Jesus in the back seat of my cruiser and running his… Continue Reading →

Ensoulment and Abortion

I saw a Jesuit priest I once knew recently. He was a good man who taught me much about Catholicism and I’ll always be grateful to him. Before him, my Catholicism was one of vague notions. He helped me to… Continue Reading →

On Faith: Cancel March for Life

In perhaps the most unserious and disingenuous piece I’ve read on the Newsweek/Washington Post On Faith blog, Anthony Stevens Arroyo suggests that we essentially cancel the March for Life and make it an Obama rally. I’m actually not kidding. Arroyo… Continue Reading →

How Powerful are Lawyers and Abortion Lobbies?

We all know that Obama would likely be able to sway at least some Republicans to vote for Obamacare if he would do one of two things. Obviously, excluding abortion from federal funding would go a long way to passing… Continue Reading →

Pro-Choice Violence Doesn’t Count

The given in any conversation concerning the violence surrounding the abortion issue is that pro-lifers are religious fanatics prone to violence. In fact, it’s so prevalent that it’s actually a cliche. Everyone knows that pro-lifers are a bunch of wackjob… Continue Reading →

Catholics Against Conscience

For years, pro-choice Catholic politicians have been arguing that their conscience must be the deciding factor in their decision making. (See Nancy Pelosi among others) And they say they’re not going to bullied by all those old men in Rome… Continue Reading →

Dems Make Obama a Liar

So pretty much everything Obama says here is proven to be a lie today by the Senate. Hot Air: The Senate Finance Committee rejected an amendment to its healthcare bill Wednesday that would have required women to purchase a separate,… Continue Reading →

Honoring China on the Empire State Bldg?

AFP reports: New York’s iconic Empire State Building will light up red and yellow Wednesday in honor of the 60th anniversary of communist China. The Chinese consul, Peng Keyu, and other officials will take part in the lighting ceremony which… Continue Reading →

The Hypocrisy of Personhood

For years, pro-choicers have been arguing that a baby is not really conceived until after implantation in the uterus. They’ve argued this vociferously so that they can also argue that The Pill is not an abortifacient. Keeps the birth control… Continue Reading →

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