In perhaps the most unserious and disingenuous piece I’ve read on the Newsweek/Washington Post On Faith blog, Anthony Stevens Arroyo suggests that we essentially cancel the March for Life and make it an Obama rally.
I’m actually not kidding.
Arroyo argues that Obama’s speech on nuclear disarmament at the United Nations which was essentially laughed at by anyone and everyone (including in a speech by Sarkozy) should become the centerpiece of a new pro-life coalition (never mind all those dead babies, I guess.)
Arroyo lays some groundwork by saying:
The recent and unanimous vote of the U.N. Security Council endorsing nuclear disarmament is cause for rejoicing in Catholic America. Disarmament is a pro-life issue and the Security Council’s September session with President Obama as chairman made a significant advance beyond the perennial rhetoric about atomic weapons. If and when Obama’s effort at the United Nations’ session becomes a policy to be endorsed politically in Congress, I think pro-life Catholics will be bound by conscience to support it.
Bound by conscience to support it? The same conscience that has led “pro-life” Arroyo to become an Obama apologist?
But hey, Arroyo obviously believes that Obama mentioning his dream of a world without nukes essentially means that 1) Obama actually means it 2) The UN can do a thing about it.
But now here’s the killshot from Arroyo:
I would hope that our bishops and pastors decide to spend as much effort in supporting disarmament as they have in organizing dissent from Roe v. Wade. Why not include this issue in Respect Life Sunday this October 4 in a parish’s Prayer of the Faithful? Why not make the annual March for Life every January into a rally for nuclear disarmament?
I feel strongly that it time for Catholics — whether Republicans or Democrats, whether conservative or liberal — to put aside the partisan labels that divide us. Catholic America should be above the bitter divisions in secular politics. Let us show our unity as Catholics, faithful in both citizenship and belief, and make nuclear disarmament the common cause of Catholic America, ASAP.
So you ready for a radical new take on the March for Life? How about Obama giving the big speech at the March for Life? Come on. How fun would that be?
Obama could say something like, “If Iran makes a mistake, I don’t want to be punished with a mushroom cloud.” Or he could quibble and says it’s “above his pay grade” to decide when a nuclear power plant becomes a weapons factory.
Hey, what’s a few million dead babies from abortion when we can feel good about saying that we don’t like nukes?
The good news is that if we made the March for Life an anti-nuke rally we might actually get coverage from the media.
October 5, 2009 at 7:48 am
Arroyo is clearly a bozo. But he is correct in that the Catholic church has consistently denounced WMD's and called for nuclear disarmament. But abortion of course is a much more imminent threat to millions of lives; far more disasterous in one year than both bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasake combined. So, at the risk of making the biggest understatement on this post, Arroyo has his priorities severely askew.
October 5, 2009 at 2:21 pm
"Arroyo has his priorities severely askew."
You would think this should be obvious for all Catholics. I can't tell you how many Catholics have asked me why the "abortion issue" is so important to me. Isn't it obvious? (I'm sure many of you have the same experience; I'm just venting for the most part.)
How many have died from nuclear weapons? Global warming? Nat. disaster? Imprisonment (Amnesty Internat.)? Abortion?
I'm not saying that the other "issues" are not important or don't have my concern/action, but why shouldn't we (world) take care of the most pressing issue now?
It's 9/11 everyday for me.
October 5, 2009 at 2:53 pm
Arroyo needs to have his head examined. Of course Catholics support disarmament … if everyone is doing it. But of course we know Iran has lied, other countries have lied, and how can we trust anyone?
The snide comment about abortion he made makes my blood boil. Our country cannot justify the slaughter of the innocents by any stretch of the imagination. Each politician supporting it is King Herod. The Catholic Church will never back down on this issue, and we are compelled to throw heart and soul into it.
October 5, 2009 at 3:52 pm
Didn't Catholic activists do just this for years? Tie themselves to missiles and things? I believe there was a bishops' statement… or two. Or three. ANd who was that famous priest who refused to pay taxes because money went to nuclear weapons?
Does Arroyo think he just dreamed this up now?
October 5, 2009 at 4:06 pm
All things pre-Obama are pre-history, a mistake, childish, immature renditions of a thirst for social justice.
Obviously if we were more enlightened, we'd understand that we should get in on a cause that no one can be against. We'd just be so much more popular if we'd stop thinking that abortion killed actual people.
October 5, 2009 at 4:40 pm
So, let's just compromise. Obama can just use all existing nuclear weapons to kill very small people. Problem solved.
Just so everyone knows, I'm not serious. I'm in a bad mood today, hence, gallows humor.
October 5, 2009 at 5:51 pm
On second thought, invite them. Invite them to protest the potential to destroy millions because of the single choice of one individual or country bent on the destruction of the innocent.
Then compare projected numbers with absolute ones and point out, we who are pro-life do protest the potential to destroy millions of innocent lives because of individual choices sanctioned or demanded by a country bent on their destruction.
October 5, 2009 at 6:25 pm
The difference between all those evils and abortion is in the little word "intrinsic"…….
October 5, 2009 at 6:47 pm
I'll cut him a deal. The second every abortion in this nation is made illegal and prevented from happening in a moral, God-loving way, then we can turn the March for Life into an anti-nuclear event.
What's that you say? Ain't gonna happen?
Then I guess March for Life it is…
October 5, 2009 at 8:19 pm
I guess I'm reading the wrong news sources, because I wasn't aware that nuclear weapons are taking millions and millions of innocent lives year in and year out.
Oh wait– they're not??
October 5, 2009 at 8:55 pm
Sorry, I invited the O to the March. He hasn't responded yet, probably waiting to see which way the wind is blowing that day.
October 6, 2009 at 2:04 am
Dissent from Roe vs. Wade? Did I hear that right? Dissent. I think what the guy needs is a box in his ears and to be told not to speak unless he is spoken to.
And by the way, I think nuclear weapons are evil. Pure and Simple.
October 6, 2009 at 3:27 am
The quickest way to ensure the use of nuclear weapons would be disarmament. It is also the quickest way to start a war.
BTW, Arroyo hasn't just drank the KoolAid, he is mainlining it!
October 6, 2009 at 4:14 am
I wish Arroyo had a stronger argument worth commenting on in further detail. Unfortunately he simply is going for shock value. I almost didn't want to comment on it on my blog, but it was too hard to resist! 😛
October 7, 2009 at 12:08 am
I just wish to point out that you should refer to Anthony Stevens Arroyo as "Stevens," not Arroyo. As a Hispanic, Mr. Stevens has two surnames, and Arroyo is just his second one (inherited from his mother). This was traditional Spanish practice even during Spain's most Catholic days, so it's not a feminist thing or anything suspicious like that. So please call him "Stevens" (I'm Hispanic, so I feel this concerns me as well).
As for what Stevens wrote, it's nonsense. What else did you expect from Newsweek?