Don’t believe your lying eyes, says Planned Parenthood. Or your ears. Just listen to Planned Parenthood. But not too closely. I know it’s hard to believe but yet another counselor at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Memphis, TN was caught… Continue Reading →
Sociologists and ethicists along with millions of Americans joined together yesterday in protest of what some are calling a harbinger of societal breakdown with the introduction of a new IPhone game which features the killing of digital babies. Sociologist and… Continue Reading →
According to Pewsitter: Georgetown is honoring Vice President Joe Biden tomorrow at a Symposium Celebrating the 15th Anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Biden will receive the Legal Momentum Hero Award. So they’re honoring Biden for his work… Continue Reading →
I’ve been into the great Catholic authors of the 20th century. I’ve done Merton, O’Connor and now I’m reading Walker Percy novels now. Really strong writer and I’m enjoying him but he’s pretty heavy lifting. But here’s something he wrote… Continue Reading →
We’ve often said that Sarah Palin would be extraordinarily popular with the media if she’d only aborted her child. That comment, however, is often seen as bombastic or hyperbolic. But here’s the thing. It’s true. And now a columnist from… Continue Reading →
Remember last week when dialogue was the whole point of having Barack Obama come to be honored at Notre Dame, according to the President of Notre Dame Fr. Jenkins. So after the whole brouhaha started over Fr. Jenkins’ invitation to… Continue Reading →
Good news. The Orange County Register is reporting that Planned Parenthood is mad. Supporters of the abortion industry yelled and screamed at Orange County supervisors to give back a sex-education grant to the nonprofit, calling their rationale “unconstitutional,” “irresponsible” and… Continue Reading →
Saint Joseph’s University has invited Chris Matthews to be its Commencement speaker. One graduate wrote a letter to which the President of the school Fr. Timothy Lannon responded. Here’s the exchange: Dear Father Lannon, I am writing to express my… Continue Reading →
During WWII Irene Sendler risked her life to save children from the Nazis. A Catholic woman, she placed the children with Christian families and convents. Now, there’s a Broadway play about her which opened up very recently. The show is… Continue Reading →
There’s no one out there in the Catholic blogosphere that has an opinion on abortion and the ability of doctors to legally just say no, is there? What? There is? OK. We all know that the Obama administration is seeking… Continue Reading →
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