The federal government wants to give money to those in need. Some say it’s about charity but when many people look to the government for sustenance, it leaves those people in a very vulnerable situation. And it’s from both sides… Continue Reading →
Funny that many of the same people who want to legalize drugs are the same people who want to make hamburgers illegal. HT First Things
You’re not going to hear a better argument against behemoth bureaucracy than this one from Chris Christie. NRO wonders if The Obama administration might be being vengeful against the conservative Christie: I’m not usually the conspiratorial type, but watch Gov…. Continue Reading →
An order of Benedictine monks are being told they can’t sell their handmade coffins because they don’t have the proper licenses. This is a huge problem with BIG GOVERNMENT colluding with BIG BUSINESS. You get those who have made a… Continue Reading →
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