Men, the forces of traditionalism have won a victory today. For decades the forces of modernism hammered away on our Vatican II front and for a while I’m sorry to say they achieved great success. And we, the forces of… Continue Reading →
The Consecration of Mary Glasspool as an Episcopal bishop on Saturday was incredible. They had odes to Mother Earth, random pagan rituals, a smudging ceremony to increase their relationship to plants or something, a smidge of ancestor Worship thrown in,… Continue Reading →
Congressman Patrick Kennedy’s recent public comments were puzzling as he criticized the Church publicly for not being pro-life because of its insistence on blocking abortion funding in the healthcare bill. I could task logicians for a year to figure out… Continue Reading →
The obnoxious, spiritually deformed, obnoxious, micro-managing, Republican sounding, out-of-step, theologically faulty, hated, Palin-esque, Roberto Duran-ish, obsolete, inefficient, polluting, control freak Bishop Joseph Martino is gone. So says Anthony Stevens Arroyo who writes for the On Faith blog and is ironically… Continue Reading →
Catholic Church Conservation is reporting that the Chairman of the German Bishop’s Conference has denied that Christ suffered and died for our sins. There’s video over at CathCon but it’s in German (obviously). If any of our readers speak German… Continue Reading →
Bob Casey of Pennsylvania ran for Senator as a pro-life candidate; a fact which clearly made his defeat of pro-life Senator Rick Santorum more likely. But recently, many believe Senator Bob Casey has not lived up to the rhetoric of… Continue Reading →
I knew a couple that was trying for years to have a child. One night he told me they were feeling quite desperate about the whole thing and it was even affecting their marriage. I suggested praying to the Blessed… Continue Reading →
This is an interesting turn of events. From The State: A Greenville priest who told parishioners those who cast ballots for President-elect Barack Obama risk placing themselves “outside of the full communion of Christ’s church” is simply enunciating church teaching… Continue Reading →
God bless Bishop Robert W. Finn of Kansas City who wrote a great piece today in the The Catholic Key explaining just what the “Freedom of Choice Act” would do for abortion in the United States and our responsibilities in… Continue Reading →
According to the Dallas News, a group of Episcopal priests from Fort Worth paid a visit to Catholic Bishop Kevin Vann earlier this summer, asking for guidance on how their diocese might come into “full communion” with the Catholic Church…. Continue Reading →
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