We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag Cardinal George

Cardinal: Obama Changed the Conversation

Lifesite reports that Cardinal Francis George of Chicago, president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), congratulated President Barack Obama on being honored with the Nobel Peace Prize: “In the name of the Catholic Bishops of the United… Continue Reading →

Pro-Life Win in Illinois, For Now

It hasn’t made much national news, but the Illinois House Bill 2354 was defeated today, without even enough support to be brought up for a house vote. Known as “Illinois FOCA,” the bill would have made abortion a fundamental right,… Continue Reading →

Pfleger Gets Pfired? Pfanatical Sabbatical?

The Archbishop of Chicago has asked Father Michael Pfleger to take a few weeks off to reflect. Kudos to the Archbishop for taking a stand. The statement from Francis Cardinal George says that Fr. Pfleger disagreed with him on his… Continue Reading →

Cardinal George on the Motu Proprio

John Allen Jr. of NCR has a wide ranging interview with Cardinal George of Chicago. In it, Allen asks the Cardinal about the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum. I have excerpted those questions and answers here with my emphases and [comments]…. Continue Reading →

Snuff Priest: I Am The Real Victim

The Rev. Michael Pflager wants you to know that he is the victim. Sure, at a recent anti-gun rally he threatened a local gun shop owner by saying “We’re gonna find you and snuff you out!” But Rev. Pflager is… Continue Reading →

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