Lifesite reports that Cardinal Francis George of Chicago, president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), congratulated President Barack Obama on being honored with the Nobel Peace Prize: “In the name of the Catholic Bishops of the United… Continue Reading →
It hasn’t made much national news, but the Illinois House Bill 2354 was defeated today, without even enough support to be brought up for a house vote. Known as “Illinois FOCA,” the bill would have made abortion a fundamental right,… Continue Reading →
The Archbishop of Chicago has asked Father Michael Pfleger to take a few weeks off to reflect. Kudos to the Archbishop for taking a stand. The statement from Francis Cardinal George says that Fr. Pfleger disagreed with him on his… Continue Reading →
John Allen Jr. of NCR has a wide ranging interview with Cardinal George of Chicago. In it, Allen asks the Cardinal about the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum. I have excerpted those questions and answers here with my emphases and [comments]…. Continue Reading →
The Rev. Michael Pflager wants you to know that he is the victim. Sure, at a recent anti-gun rally he threatened a local gun shop owner by saying “We’re gonna find you and snuff you out!” But Rev. Pflager is… Continue Reading →
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