We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag charity

Call Me Ebenezer

*subhead*Taxes.*subhead* The other day the doorbell rang. Upon opening the door, I found two adorable girls, around age ten, asking me to support their cause by purchasing raffle tickets or magazines or some such. I quickly and forcefully said, “NO… Continue Reading →

This Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity

Do yourself a favor and watch this video and have your faith in humanity restored. Seriously. Click here to watch it.

You Can Help Save a Child

We here at CMR never ask for donations for ourselves. We figure that if we weren’t blogging here we’d just be yelling the same things at passing cars. We are a pro-life blog obviously. And my wife and I try… Continue Reading →

Control Through Benevolence

The federal government wants to give money to those in need. Some say it’s about charity but when many people look to the government for sustenance, it leaves those people in a very vulnerable situation. And it’s from both sides… Continue Reading →

Raising Awareness Is Not an End Goal

It seems that the U2 frontman Bono’s charity isn’t all that into actually helping people, just raising awareness that people need help. Big Hollywood has a story that: Bono’s anti-poverty foundation ONE is under pressure to explain its lavish salaries… Continue Reading →

Do You Love Babies?

OK. Now that I’ve got your attention with the completely gratuitous usage of cute babies, I’m asking you to give to a charity near and dear to my heart. Mothers’ Home (just outside of Philadelphia) is a non-profit shelter for… Continue Reading →

Atheists Love You

Richard Dawkins has started up a charity called “Non Believers Giving Aid” so atheists can give to relief efforts in Haiti in a way which promulgates their atheism. Because as I’m sure you know when Haitians receive relief they’re very… Continue Reading →

Charity is the New Smoking?

What manner of insanity has crept into our President’s mind? What sense outside of a Machiavellian power grab does President Obama’s consideration of cutting tax deductions for charitable donations make in a time of economic difficulty? In effect, Obama is… Continue Reading →

This Pitcher is a Champion

O.K. We all know the horror stories about athletes gone wild. But ESPN has a spectacular story about an extraordinary family. Phillies pitcher Jamie Moyer went to Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. It seems they might have taught him something… Continue Reading →

State To Church: Help!

There are some problems that government is just not equipped to solve. Unfortunately, many people today believe it is the governments responsibility to solve all problems and we as individuals are only responsible for sending in our tax dollars. After… Continue Reading →

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