We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag children

Having Babies is Like Stealing?

Are babies stealing? According to news reports the Anglican Church thinks so. I’m not sure I understand how babies are stealing. I mean, they can’t even drive the getaway car. But the General Synod of the Anglican Church, according to… Continue Reading →

Save the Sheep!

Alright. This is my new favorite story ever. I know I say that like once a month but this time I really mean it. Reuters reports that a class of school children in England have been rearing this lamb since… Continue Reading →

Taxing Life to Fund Death

The state of California has long been driving at unsafe speeds towards the cliffs of fiscal insanity. Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger came in and just stepped on the gas a little harder. Now, instead of searching for spending reductions to… Continue Reading →

I’m in Charge and Then…Not so Much

This is a weird one. It’s not even a big deal. It’s just one of those things I didn’t see coming when I started staying home with the kids. I work from home so I’m with the kids ALL THE… Continue Reading →

The Best 93 Days of Her Life

We love. That is what we are called to do. And tonight I feel that paucity of my efforts at loving those around me. Tonight, I am heartbroken and inspired by this one mother who loved despite having every reason… Continue Reading →

A Surprised Stay-at-Home Dad

I made my wife cry. That’s why I remember that particular night. At the time, we were not yet married and we were eating dinner at one of those chain restaurants. We were talking about the future as two young… Continue Reading →

Nature/Nurture and Survival of the Roughest

Two of my daughters started soccer Saturday. They’re on the same team. One is five and the other is six. They’re not even a year apart in age. But they approach everything from very different perspectives. The more I hang… Continue Reading →

He Gave All

This is a beautiful and salient story from the Washington Post about a father who gave all for his son. Our condolences go out to the family and friends of this great and good man. If you ever ran into… Continue Reading →

This is Just Cute, Not Political

I’m putting this up not for political reasons. I’m putting it up because it’s adorable. I mean, it does show how cute kids are and that babies are a blessing and that I wish we would all accept them as… Continue Reading →

Newsweek: Children = Unhappiness

Newsweek wants you know that having children will make you miserable. The article “Does Having Children Make You Happy? False.” cites survey after survey, poll after poll to establish the premise that children lead to “lower levels of emotional well-being”… Continue Reading →

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