If liberals couldn’t refer to Nazis they’d have absolutely nothing to say. As Zip wrote, “Someone should remind these people that a million Jews were gassed to death at Auschwitz and comparing it to having their taxpayer-funded pensions reduced during… Continue Reading →
I don’t know what’s worse. NJ union leader Chris Shelton calling Gov. Chris Christie “Adolf Christie” in a speech after welcoming the crowd to “Nazi Germany.” Or saying that “It took World War II to get rid of the last… Continue Reading →
Chris Christie, the first pro-life Governor of New Jersey. That’s a pretty awesome moniker for a guy who used to be publicly pro-choice. But in many ways Christie in power has been very conservative. His very public battle with the… Continue Reading →
We can all be hypocrites. We typically talk a better game than we actually walk. But this has to be a record or something. It’s pretty rare to be so completely and comically hypocritical as Chris Matthews was yesterday on… Continue Reading →
You know how the federal government always says that while they support Planned Parenthood with millions of bucks you shouldn’t worry because none of that money goes to abortion. What a horrible joke that is. And we all know it…. Continue Reading →
You’re not going to hear a better argument against behemoth bureaucracy than this one from Chris Christie. NRO wonders if The Obama administration might be being vengeful against the conservative Christie: I’m not usually the conspiratorial type, but watch Gov…. Continue Reading →
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