A child has been denied first Communion due to a rather severe cognitive disability which, according to the pastor, made him unable to understand the Eucharist. I don’t know the right answer here but it seems to me that the… Continue Reading →
You know there’s a looooooong history to a story like this. But here’s the upshot as it’s being reported. A priest had a mother and her daughter ticketed by police for tresspasing after it was reported that the woman’s daughter… Continue Reading →
I don’t appreciate modern art. Seriously, have you seen one piece of public art that didn’t look like evidence of public drunkenness? I saw some metallic structure the other day in Philadelphia and I couldn’t decide if it was a… Continue Reading →
Does Michael Sean Winters hate Patrick Kennedy? I’m serious. If a friend of mine were running straight towards calamity I’d be inclined to yell out. Heck, even if an enemy of mine were dashing towards a ruinous end I’d be… Continue Reading →
Bob Casey of Pennsylvania ran for Senator as a pro-life candidate; a fact which clearly made his defeat of pro-life Senator Rick Santorum more likely. But recently, many believe Senator Bob Casey has not lived up to the rhetoric of… Continue Reading →
Sitting in my pew for a few minutes as the Priest gives out Communion to the 137 extraordinary ministers, readers in shorts and sandals, and altar girls I often have some time to reflect before the priest gets around giving… Continue Reading →
Two weeks ago Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann publicly asked Gov. Kathleen Sebelius to refrain from receiving Communion because of her support of legalized abortion. This started a political firestorm on television, talk radio, and the internet. Today, the Archbishop Naumann… Continue Reading →
Archbishop Joseph Naumann wrote an op-ed today in the Leaven declaring that Governor Sebelius of Kansas is not eligible to receive Communion. Having made every effort to inform and to persuade Governor Sebelius and after consultation with Bishop Ron Gilmore… Continue Reading →
Catholic blogs take issue with many different things. CMR is no exception. Most of the time, we take exception with patently preposterous, the harebrained, or heretical. Less frequently (amounting to never) do we look at something from a pastoral perspective…. Continue Reading →
By Father John McCartney Reprinted from the Pastor’s Page of St. Matthew Church in Dix Hills NY A Catholic news story has developed over the last several days which merits our attention. The story has its origin in the Mass… Continue Reading →
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