Weasel Zippers has a disturbing story about Muslims enforcing Sharia Law in prison and click the link to read about what happened to an imprisoned Catholic who wouldn’t convert: Just preparing them for the dhimmitude they will endure in British… Continue Reading →
In a stunning move, the Catholic Church announced today that it is converting to Tony Blair-ism. The move comes on the heels of recent interviews given by the former Prime Minister, a recent Catholic convert, where he criticised the Church’s… Continue Reading →
In a letter allegedly written from prison and published by an Italian Weekly Mehmet Ali Ağca, the would be assassin of Pope John Paul II, is claiming to have renounced Islam and embraced Catholicism. The intent of the letter doesn’t… Continue Reading →
According to the Dallas News, a group of Episcopal priests from Fort Worth paid a visit to Catholic Bishop Kevin Vann earlier this summer, asking for guidance on how their diocese might come into “full communion” with the Catholic Church…. Continue Reading →
Kudos and little else to the fine chap or chapette who knows which famous convert said this quote: The whole moral and artistic organization of Europe – has not in itself the power of survival. It came into being through… Continue Reading →
Kudos and little else to the fine chap or chapette who knows who said this quote: Much water has flown under the Tiber’s bridges, carrying away splendor and mystery from Rome since the pontificate of Pius XII… [T]he banalities and… Continue Reading →
There has been quite a stir these past days due to speculation that a substantial amount of traditional Anglican clergy may seek some form of corporate union with Rome. And anytime I hear a stir or the rabble being roused… Continue Reading →
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