Help! My house looks like a bomb hit it. My kids have brought home their entire school with them and I don’t think our house will ever recover. And besides the sentimental thing they bring home pictures of Jesus, Mary,… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Don’t show them the money.*subhead* Unlike many other countries, the United States has no federal restrictions on cloning. Scientists can clone human embryos as much as they want, provided they have the human eggs to do it, and in many… Continue Reading →
I am horrified. Truly. Representative Michael Burgess is an ob-gyn and a congressman. He has delivered thousands of babies. Recently, he spoke about babies’ ability to feel pain in the womb. He mentions the fact that babies in the womb… Continue Reading →
Babies are born every day; thousands, in fact. If one can believe the internet about such things, 370,000 babies are born each day worldwide. It appears that making babies is easy. Sadly, making fathers seem much harder. Perhaps we’ve forgotten… Continue Reading →
My oldest girl just entered her teens, so I still have some time. However, lately I have been giving some thought to my requirements, yes requirements, for any young man that may one day seek her hand. It is never… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Yay! Common Sense.*subhead* Political cartoon by David Horsey Almost a year ago, I wrote “Owning Genes” here at Creative Minority Report. In that post I discussed the patenting of naturally occurring human genes and how that affects your health care…. Continue Reading →
Republican congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington announced with a Facebook post yesterday that her unborn baby has been diagnosed with a medical condition that is often fatal for the baby. Herrera Beutler wrote that ultrasounds and follow-up tests sadly… Continue Reading →
Bill Maher is saying that Pope Francis is an atheist and he predicts that the eeeevil Vatican will likely kill him. I not only discuss his statements but why it’s important to take them on. Read it at The National… Continue Reading →
Just yesterday we had a Georgetown professor comparing Eric Holder to Moses, which is sadly some of the most scripturally sound analysis coming out of Georgetown in years. So it seemed like a good idea to recall (and by recall… Continue Reading →
Patrick Henry once famously said, “Give me liberty or give me death.” Pro-abortion “rights” rhetoric simply seeks to combine the two. They believe in the liberty to give death. Even if it’s women who die. Please read this at The… Continue Reading →
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