Bill Maher is saying that Pope Francis is an atheist and he predicts that the eeeevil Vatican will likely kill him.
I not only discuss his statements but why it’s important to take them on.
Bill Maher is saying that Pope Francis is an atheist and he predicts that the eeeevil Vatican will likely kill him.
I not only discuss his statements but why it’s important to take them on.
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June 3, 2013 at 7:19 am
…we are talking about bill maher right?
…the same bill maher that is a PETA board member?
…who dated playboy's cyber girl, coco?
…who then later, after being dumped by maher after a very long affair, tried to sue the "bleep"! out of him?
…oh yeah, that idiot, masquerading as a comedian, masquerading as a satirist, masquerading as a person of integrity, having moral and ethical authority over a Pope, and who claims knowledge of "insider" information on the workings and operations of the Vatican and of the Roman Catholic Church!
…hey bill,
…gee,…I think you should stick to chasing "bunnys" around at the PETA playboy mansion! Working too hard at spiritual intellectual pursuits seems to "fog" up your mind!
June 3, 2013 at 12:07 pm
Give maher credit, he is part of the reason the veneer is peeling on the fallacy that the left is educated, intellectual and tolerant.
June 3, 2013 at 2:44 pm
I wish I could get paid for making stupid statements like he and his ilk do. I often wonder if they actually listen to themselves.
June 3, 2013 at 9:30 pm
The atheist will not acknowledge the rational soul, or anybody's unalienable civil rights. Therefore, there is only one place Maher can go and that is to the devil, with his thinking, to the devil, the first murderer and to the devil, the personification of pure evil. Maher, instead of the Blessings of Liberty as is in the Preamble, is wishing and hoping that the Vatican will poison the Pope. The last time Pharoah wished the death of the first born of Israel…read the bible for further information.
June 4, 2013 at 7:01 am
…may I?,
…in being stubborn, if this guy got a nickel for every "stupid" thing he ever said, he'd be rich,
…but, it is one thing to be rich, one thing to be stubborn and another thing to be stupid.
…but all in all, at the end of this road is hell and in it, this guy, Mr richly, stubbornly stupid!