We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag fetus

CA Company Grows Organs From Aborted Babies in Rats

*subhead*The Island meets The Island of Dr. Moreau*subhead* Just when I think I have seen it all, something like this flies up and hits me right between the eyes. A California company, Ganogen Inc., started by some very young medical… Continue Reading →

News Can’t Decide Between Fetus or Baby

This is a news story coming out of the Philipinnes remarkable to me only to show what lengths we’ll go to in order to avoid truth…and yet it still comes out: A garbage collector could not help but express his… Continue Reading →

A Fetus is Anti-Abortion?

Everyone is freaking out because some school employees handed out fetus dolls to students in a public school. The dolls are scientifically accurate yet they’re being called shocking and reprehensible. The fact that so many people are taking a scientifically… Continue Reading →

Med Student on Fetal Pain Law

Jenna Bonner, a med student, writes a great piece on the fetal pain bill. Definitely worth a read: If we’re gonna do this, let’s do it right, shall we? Why not start off with something nice and contentious, a real… Continue Reading →

Law Limits Abortion For Fetal Pain

Wow. Nebrakska’s taking a completely different tack in their quest to limit abortion – based on fetal pain. Without dragging out all the science (much of which actually shows that the unborn most certainly feel pain) here’s how I check… Continue Reading →

Former Fetus Now Pro-Choice

A former fetus who was decidedly pro-life while in the womb announced today that he’s pro-choice, suspiciously just months after being born. Now outside the womb, the baby who asked not to be named, said he realizes that sometimes difficult… Continue Reading →

Fetal Pain: What the Science Shows

The New York Times Magazine has a very interesting piece on fetal pain. While it was once common wisdom that newborn babies could not feel pain and the concept of fetal pain was laughable. However, science has progressed and now… Continue Reading →

Adult Stem Cell Cures (533) vs Embryonic Stem Cell Cures (0)

Unfortunately, no fetuses were harmed in the making of this cure. Shhh…Don’t tell the media.

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