We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag germany

Archdiocese of Freiburg Website Links to Abortionists

It seems the Archdioceses of Freiburg and Cologne both link to abortion clinics on their websites. The Eponymous Flower reports: The organization has a Nazi back ground. It doesn’t just abuse children, but kills them as well. It’s not a… Continue Reading →

Gang Attacks Jews in Germany. Not What You Think

The headline warns.: “Berlin – Group of youths attack Jewish dance group.” What image does that headline conjure? Nazis? Skinheads? A little Third Reich retro wanna-be’s? The lede in the piece doesn’t help either to clarify things either. A Jewish… Continue Reading →

An Interesting Evening

I am currently in the city of Essen Germany on business. I have been here probably a dozen times over the years but I have never made the less than one hour trip down to the Cathedral in Cologne. Oh,… Continue Reading →

Bishop Denied Christ Died for Our Sins?

Catholic Church Conservation is reporting that the Chairman of the German Bishop’s Conference has denied that Christ suffered and died for our sins. There’s video over at CathCon but it’s in German (obviously). If any of our readers speak German… Continue Reading →

I’m Tired of this “Citizen of the World” Garbage

“I speak to you not as a candidate for President, but as a citizen – a proud citizen of the United States, and a fellow citizen of the world.” Barack Obama 7-24-08. Is anyone else completely sick and tired of… Continue Reading →

Flashback? Germans Fearful of State, Flee

Think back to a time when good German people were forced to flee their homeland in the middle of the night for fear of the state. Parents, fearful that their children would be forced into state run indoctrination camps, tried… Continue Reading →

German Pol Proposes Seven-Year Limit on Marriages

A German politician on Wednesday proposed making marriage contracts expire after seven years, with the option to renew for those not feeling the proverbial itch. “I propose that marriages lapse after seven years,” Gabriele Pauli told reporters in Munich. “This… Continue Reading →

German Pastor Sentenced to Year in Jail for Comparing Abortion to the Holocaust

NEVERMIND: CORRECTION: ARTICLE ON GERMAN PASTOR LERLE RETRACTED The LifeSiteNews.com story published Tuesday on the jailing of Pastor Lerle in Germany has been retracted after LifeSiteNews.com was informed that we were working with false information from trusted news sources. While… Continue Reading →

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