So you turned your Twitter Avatar green in honor of the fight for freedom going on in Iran. But now what? Now, you’re stuck with a green avatar but you find that other stories are crowding out the front pages…. Continue Reading →
I don’t know. Is it all of us. Our elites? Our media? Our leaders? All I’m sure about is that there’s something very wrong with our country. All I know is that America today is a Perez Hilton world. And… Continue Reading →
Man, he wasn’t kidding about that whole “no precondition” thing, huh. Says the NYT: The Obama administration and its European allies are preparing proposals that would shift strategy toward Iran by dropping a longstanding American insistence that Tehran rapidly shut… Continue Reading →
The Atlantic has a disturbing story with monstrous ramifications: In an interview conducted shortly before he was sworn in today as prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu laid down a challenge for Barack Obama. The American president, he said, must… Continue Reading →
Time Magazine is claiming that Iran will attempt to pull in Pope Benedict as a mediator between the terrorist regime and the United States of America in an effort to stave off war and buy time to continue their progress… Continue Reading →
Historian David Irving served time in prison for denying the Holocaust. But while we’re putting people who don’t believe in a past holocaust in prison we’re putting people who are actively pursuing a future holocaust on podiums at Columbia University…. Continue Reading →
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Churchill and Chesterton vs. Modern Day England
There’s been much speculation lately concerning the fortitude and the future of Great Britain. Comparing six recent British actions to the words of two Giants of the 20th century leave me securely in the camp of “England’s in really Big… Continue Reading →