We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag media bias

Why Won’t You Rape Me You Racist Pig?

Bias is not having a strong opinion on a subject, bias is when your let your opinion cloud your ability to judge facts objectively. Case in point. The Culture and Media Institute recently voted the following headline as the most… Continue Reading →

NYT’s Maureen Dowd Undergoes New Age Exorcism

Maureen Dowd of the New York Times has been described in numerous publications as a practicing Catholic even though she’s compared the Church to the Taliban. But why might she believe that dead nuns are haunting her house because they’re… Continue Reading →

Media Ignores Pro-Abortion Violence

Funny how the media jumps up to proclaim every time a pro-lifers says or does anything unseemly. But when veteran pro-lifer Ed Snell was counseling women entering the Hillcrest Abortion Clinic in Harrisburg, Penn. from atop his car, he was… Continue Reading →

Catholic Bishop is Actually Catholic!

Nick Coleman of the Minneapolis Star Tribune wrote a piece yesterday entitled “Future archbishop’s compassion stops short when it comes to gays.” John Nienstedt, Coadjutor Archbishop of the Catholic Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis and is scheduled to succeed… Continue Reading →

CNN Misleads on Bishops Statement on Abortion

CNN’s “The Situation Room,” has long been biased against conservatives but now the show (hosted by Wolf Blitzer) is showing its contempt for Catholics as well. CNN is reporting that the new document issued by the Catholic bishops on voting… Continue Reading →

This Was The Terrorist’s Plan All Along!

In one of the most ridiculous segments to air on “Good Morning America,” reporter Bianna Golodryga worried that the unusually high gas prices could lead to poor health, less church and no Christmas. Holy Cow. On Monday’s program, Golodryga warned… Continue Reading →

American Cities Angry At Pope

It’s amazing. Major metropolitan newspapers are going negative on the Pope because he’s not coming to their fair cities. All of a sudden they all want the Pope in their cities. But they have a funny way of showing it…. Continue Reading →

Church Arson Bad – But On The Other Hand

Dorothy Parvaz, a columnist, blogger and member of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer editorial board, wrote a blog post in which she sympathetically says she understands how someone would want to burn a church down because it is “an oppressive institution.” She’s… Continue Reading →

Media, Democrats and A Single Edged Sword

The microphones have been set up for Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. The House floor is open for denunciations. The front page of the New York Times is waiting to be printed. I’m looking for the op-eds and countless columns… Continue Reading →

Reporters Get Stupider: Global Warming Blamed

This from Foxnews: Yeah, we have never had a warm October before, so it must be global warming. We have never had lackluster foliage season before, it must be global warming. No, no proof required, who is gonna argue? Frankly,… Continue Reading →

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