Michelle Malkin hits the nail on the head in her column “The Martyrs No One Cares About.” She said the world and the mainstream media are collectively shrugging their shoulders as Christians are being martyred across the globe. Christian persecution… Continue Reading →
The LA Times ran a front page piece by William Lobdell, their religion writer, about how he lost his religion. He was in the process of converting to Catholicism when he began covering the sexual abuse scandal. It’s a moving… Continue Reading →
Brian Williams of NBC News wants you to get out of your bathrobe, stop wasting your times reading blogs, and…turn on the television. Williams addressed the NYU School of Journalism. Here are some excerpts. “You’re going to be up against… Continue Reading →
Freshman Congressman Keith Ellison, the first Muslim elected to Congress, compared President Bush to Adolf Hitler last week while implying that the White House was involved in the World Trade Center attacks on 9/11. And this guy is an elected… Continue Reading →
This is the most sickening cartoon I’ve ever seen. Period. Maybe he doesn’t understand that the only reason he can get away with such hackery is because he’s an American. And the only reason America is the freest nation on… Continue Reading →
Three cheers to Damian Thompson of the UK Telegraph for telling the Beeb (BBC) to take a hike when they came calling. Mr. Thompson is well aware of the consistent bias shown by the beeb when they asked him to… Continue Reading →
This seems to me to be a new low in journalism, even for the Washington Post. As we all know Sen. David Vitter’s phone number was on the DC Madam’s phone list. Vitter, in damage control mode, released a response:… Continue Reading →
A number of articles in newspapers including one yesterday from the Seattle Post-Intelligencer are all asking the same question: “Is Post-Abortion Syndrome Real?” And their main tactic-because they actually have no facts- is simply to put the old scare quotes… Continue Reading →
This well balanced and fair story about doctors refusing to perform procedures and hand out prescriptions which conflict with their religious beliefs comes from the kings of objective media at MSNBC: The story begins by focusing on Lori Boyer, a… Continue Reading →
An Associated Press piece on abortion and communion once again misses the mark badly. The piece starts: Three years after a few outspoken U.S. Roman Catholic bishops tied together presidential politics, abortion and the Communion rail, leaders of the nation’s… Continue Reading →
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