During Easter we often consider the meaning of suffering. Check out this pretty extraordinary video of Mother Teresa being interviewed by William F. Buckley on the question of suffering. Definitely worth it. Watch the video at the National Catholic Register>>>
Abby Johnson, formerly of Planned Parenthood and now an ardent pro-lifer, tells a crowd of pro-lifers what she believes Mother Teresa said to Hillary Clinton over lunch years ago. It’s a heck of a zinger if it’s true. Check out… Continue Reading →
I recently finished a truly moving book on the life of Mother Teresa of Calcutta called Mother Teresa Come Be My Light. In my ignorance, I never really thought much more about her other than knowing she was a saintly… Continue Reading →
This is why I like Christianity. It’s empowering. So much of my fate is up to me. As a Christian I can choose right or wrong. In nearly every decision I make I can either choose God or not. I… Continue Reading →
What do you think was Mother Tesresa’s greatest quality? Yup. She was really really HOT!!! What? That’s not right? Well somebody better tell Hollywood because they just asked Megan Fox, who was recently voted Sexiest Woman In The World by… Continue Reading →
It is the clearest evidence yet of the coming apocalypse that I have seen. The world is completely upside-down and God will soon be compelled to act. To what am I referring? Abortion? Stem Cell research? Darfur? Chimera embryos? No,… Continue Reading →
It goes without saying (but I will say it anyway) there is no more vehement anti-catholic than a fallen away catholic. Chris Matthew takes the cake. There has much discussion about Mother Teresa’s dark night of the soul. In order… Continue Reading →
Stupidest Headline concerning Mother Teresa. This from the Chicago Tribune: “Can Saints Have Bad Days?” It continues: It seems like blasphemy to suggest that all those years Mother Teresa perpetuated a lie—that she did not believe her own proclamations of… Continue Reading →
Mother Teresa’s dark night of the soul is being used against the faithful in news reports. Time Magazine clearly is going for shock value in its opening paragraphs by discussing her speaking publicly about Christ and following it with this… Continue Reading →
Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who argued that teachers should not be allowed to post the Ten Commandments in public schools because it violated the Constitutional separation between church and state, is now blurring the line. Clinton, however, is using an… Continue Reading →
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