We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag Motu Proprio

High Noon for Sheriff Ben

The lone man rode into town when things were at their bleakest. Lawlessness had become the norm. The townspeople had lost all hope and become resigned to their fate. The man rode slowly through the town surveying the damage. Vice… Continue Reading →

SP – Long Island Update

I spoke with Father Andrzej Zglejszewski Director of the Office of Worship for the Diocese of Rockville Centre today regarding the availability of the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite in the diocese following Summorum Pontificum. Father confirmed for me… Continue Reading →

Extraordinary Form for Extraordinary Parish

With little fanfare or theatrics, the Pope’s motu proprio is opening doors. St. Matthew’s Roman Catholic Church in Dix Hills, NY was founded in 1965 with the Parish building completed in 1968. The church was built at the height of… Continue Reading →

Priests Turn Their Back on the People, Says Critics

I’m getting a little tired of all the criticisms in the press of Summorum Pontificum and the liberalization of the Latin Mass. I love most how critics never fail to mention that the “priest has his back to the people.”… Continue Reading →

Bishop Lucas Of Springfield Il Responds to the Motu Proprio

Bishop Lucas on the diocese of Springfield Il. has responded to the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum. I reprint his response here with some of my emphases and comments. Two forms of Mass meant to enrich each other On July 7,… Continue Reading →

September Morn

Since we are only nine days away from the implementation of the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, I decided a song was needed to celebrate the occasion. Now, when you read this, I want you to promise me that you will… Continue Reading →

Summorum in Santa Rosa

From the bulletin of the Diocese of Santa Rosa, California My emphases and [comments] HT to Fredi for the link. My Dear People, On July 7, 2007, Our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, issued an Apostolic Letter entitled: “Summorum Pontificum”… Continue Reading →

Summorum: Innovative Opposition

Well, I have to give this priest some credit, he does not just recite the party line. This is some innovative opposition. What the Tridentine Mass requires by Father Eugene Hemrick It seems like only yesterday that I was celebrating… Continue Reading →

Summorum Open Questions

John Allen reports in his blog post of last week that Bishop Trautman of Erie, PA and Chairman of the USCCB’s Committee for the Liturgy will be sending a letter to all U.S. bishops letting them know where things stand… Continue Reading →

The 6th Circle of Hell

As part of my ongoing efforts to keep this blog up-to-date, I regularly peruse myriad sources of news and commentary to find something that piques my interest. If I find it interesting, perhaps, some of the readers of CMR might… Continue Reading →

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