The room in the back of the clinic was quiet but Catherine’s mind was screaming. There was a baby in a jar. Arms. Leg. Fingers! There was a baby in a jar! She knew she had to get out of… Continue Reading →
When I first saw this story, I filed it in the “War on Christmas” file I have in my head. And make no mistake there is a war on Christmas. You seriously can’t be online for twenty minutes before you… Continue Reading →
I’ve played Barbies. I’ll admit it. Don’t you dare judge me. I’m a father of four girls. I had no choice. When my oldest was a toddler it was just her and me during the week while my wife worked…. Continue Reading →
I’ve got a bunch of kids. And I’ve got a television. This is a recipe for disaster, especially around Christmas time. If my kids see an ad for a Christmas special they’re on their knees pleading“pleasecanwestayuptowatchitjustthisonceandwepromisewe’llgorighttobedandwewon’thiteachotherevenwhentheydeserveitandwe’llevenreadtomorrowpleasepleaseplease… And I invariably say… Continue Reading →
The nutjobs at the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) always try to get noticed for how loony they’ve actually become. And let’s be honest, they do a good job at that. Well, this week, they’ve outdone themselves…. Continue Reading →
Pamela Anderson, the silicon enhanced sex tape star and Playboy centerfold, will be playing the Virgin Mary in a sketch comedy show that will appear on the Comedy Network and in Canada. Anderson will play the mother of Jesus opposite… Continue Reading →
We know how vampires don’t like daylight. Well, the bishops and now a group of U.S. Senators are pulling HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius out into daylight. And yeah, Sebelius is the vampire in this scenario. Never before have we seen… Continue Reading →
When I grew up my father and all my brothers watched football on Saturday. Our team was Notre Dame and we pretty much viewed all the other teams (especially Miami) as evil. There were exceptions. The service academies, of course… Continue Reading →
Right now there are 356 mentions of “fertilized eggs” in the news, according to a quick Google News search, due to the Personhood amendment being voted on in Mississippi. You see, a fertilized egg to you, me, and anyone with… Continue Reading →
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