We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag new age

Air Force Academy Opens Shrine for Druids and Wiccans

The Air Force Academy just opened their outdoor shrine for druids, wiccans, and all sorts of new-age type folks. It kinda’ looks like lazy Stonehenge with a little feng shui mixed in. I gotta’ ask, is there really a big… Continue Reading →

Fr. Barron on Eckhart Tolle and Oprah

Mother Teresa’s Saintliness Was in the Stars

This is why I like Christianity. It’s empowering. So much of my fate is up to me. As a Christian I can choose right or wrong. In nearly every decision I make I can either choose God or not. I… Continue Reading →

NYT’s Maureen Dowd Undergoes New Age Exorcism

Maureen Dowd of the New York Times has been described in numerous publications as a practicing Catholic even though she’s compared the Church to the Taliban. But why might she believe that dead nuns are haunting her house because they’re… Continue Reading →

Can One ‘Bad” Vote Send You To Hell? Sure!

This from a blog on beliefnet.com by best selling author Neale Donald Walsche: Okay. Enough is enough. Now some bishops in the Roman Catholic Church are saying that one “wrong” vote in next year’s presidential primaries could send you to… Continue Reading →

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