We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag Saints

From Satanist to Saint?

This is a pretty awesome story from the UK Catholic Herald. Check it out: Pompeii has more to offer than dusty ruins filled with plaster casts of people, and one unfortunate puppy, frozen in time. It is also, coincidentally, home… Continue Reading →

CNN: Can a Saint Have An Abortion?

Isn’t it ironic that I find pretty much everything written at CNN’s “Belief blog” unbelievable? Steven Prothero, a Religion Professor at Boston University, in dealing with the question of possible sainthood for Dorothy Day wonders whether Catholics can abide a… Continue Reading →

Pope John Paul II to be Canonized

This is great news from the Catholic News Agency: The much-anticipated beatification of Pope John Paul II will take place on May 1, the Sunday after Easter, the Vatican announced. The healing of a French nun with Parkinson’s disease is… Continue Reading →

Bishop: Stop With the Silly Names!

I knew a couple that was trying for years to have a child. One night he told me they were feeling quite desperate about the whole thing and it was even affecting their marriage. I suggested praying to the Blessed… Continue Reading →

Saints in Beijing

The Vatican has officially been a city-state for decades but many were surprised at the announcement yesterday that the Vatican will be fielding a team for the Olympics. And many sports officials across the world are crying foul because although… Continue Reading →

Will The Anti-Miracle Faction Please Stand Up

The stupidest sentence I saw today was in an article on ABC News. Next week, the Pope will visit the tomb of Mary MacKillop, the founder of Australia’s Josephite nuns. Mary MacKillop is just one step away from becoming a… Continue Reading →

St. Rupert of Salzburg – Feast Day March 27

According to Catholic Online:Bishop and missionary. With the patronage of Duke Thedo of Bavaria, he took over the deserted town of luvavum about 697, which was renamed Salzburg, Austria. Therefore he is directly responsible for one of the greatest movie… Continue Reading →

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