*subhead*Watch out Halloween!*subhead* I recently saw a Jon Stewart monologue that really got me thinking. Stewart was making fun of Fox News’ “War on Christmas.” Stewart asks how could there possibly be a “War on Christmas” when Christmas, as a… Continue Reading →
A new House bill is directed against “homophobes” running adoption agencies. Just in case you’re not sure -homophobes means Catholics. The House bill introduced by Democrat Pete Stark would prohibit “discrimination in adoption or foster care placements” based on sexual… Continue Reading →
I’m agreeing with a group of litigious atheists when I say the cross is a religious symbol. Yesterday, a number of crosses honoring fallen police officers in Utah were deemed illegal by a federal judge, saying they violated the Establishment… Continue Reading →
You want to know how crazy we’ve become? We’re so crazy that when a kid sneezes, teachers feel they have to ask the Superintendent of schools whether they’re allowed to say “Bless you.” Come on. That’s got to be at… Continue Reading →
I know one city administrator who should be fired. Not just for changing the name of “Good Friday” to “Spring Holiday” but because he clearly has no actual responsibilities to fill his day so he’s making up things to do…. Continue Reading →
Prayer in public? On City grounds? You know what comes next. Atheists screaming and pulling their hair out. Detroit News reports that a local church has set up a prayer booth in City Hall for folks facing job losses and/or… Continue Reading →
You want to know what the problem is with Catholic universities. It’s right here. Saint Joseph’s University has asked the outspokenly pro-choice Chris Matthews to deliver the Commencement address and when asked why a Catholic institution would do this here’s… Continue Reading →
I was always a big advocate for vouchers for education. Boy, was I wrong. What convinced me I was wrong? The news about President Obama and GM CEO Rick Wagoner. Rick Wagoner was the CEO of GM and was just… Continue Reading →
What the world really needs now is… If you guessed “lawsuits” you’re probably a member of the EU Parliament. The Christian Post is reporting: Proposed equality laws by the European Union threaten to make it easier for atheists to file… Continue Reading →
We’ve all been in a moment when a conversation is going on among people around us and it becomes apparent that most of what you hold dear is held in contempt by everyone around you and you wonder if you… Continue Reading →
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