We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag sex selection

Coming to America…For Sex Selection

*subhead*”Reproductive Rights”.*subhead* Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It was for these inalienable rights that the American colonists declared their independence. It is also for these rights that millions have traveled to our shores looking for opportunity and a… Continue Reading →

I Paid $50,000 for a Girl

*subhead*Whatever pays, plays.*subhead* Jayne with Emmerson, photo: David Solm I think future generations will look back on our insane notion of “reproductive rights,” and they will be horrified. Back in the 70s reproductive rights meant terminating a life you already… Continue Reading →

Sex-selection in the West

*subhead*Real war on women is in the womb.*subhead* Everyone knows that sex-selection is rampant in the places like China and India where ultrasound and legalized abortion mean that roughly 160 million women are “missing.” What many people do not know,… Continue Reading →

The New Love Affair with Eugenics

*subhead*We Heart Eugenics!*subhead* One of the modern zeitgeists that scares me the most is the growing love affair with eugenics among the elite. Whether the masses are aware of it or not, elite ideas trickle down and infect our subconscious…. Continue Reading →

Is Sex-Selective IVF Harmless?

*subhead*Totally…not.*subhead* Aussie boy: “Hey Ma, where are we going on vacation this year?” Aussie mom: “We are doing something very special. We are going to circumvent the laws of our country and we are going to travel all the way… Continue Reading →

Gay Brits Come to U.S. for Sex Selection

The first gay couple in the UK to be recognized as parents on a birth certificate have come to America to ensure they have a girl.  Barrie and Tony Drewitt-Barlow went to a U.S. IVF clinic and have hired a… Continue Reading →

Brave New United States

When I talk to my fellow Americans about biotechnology, they have this idea that all the bad stuff will happen in places like China and that the horrors of Huxley’s Brave New World will never happen here.  Cloning, human genetic… Continue Reading →

Indian Doctors feed aborted female fetuses to dogs to hide sex-selection abortion

This is just horrific.  Abortion is horrific. Gendercide is horrific. And so it is no surprise that these practices breed more horror. I really hope this report is not true. From India Today: Some doctors in Beed are disposing of… Continue Reading →

Sex-selection not just an Asian problem

We westerners like to think sex-selection is an Asian problem.  We tell ourselves that girls are being aborted in the millions because of China’s one-child policy.  But if there is one thing the reader takes away from Mara Hvistendahl’s ground… Continue Reading →

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