Pssst. You want the truth on homeschooling?
Well, one of my favorite Catholic bloggers Rebecca Frech has a book called “Teaching in Your Tiara: A Homeschooling Book for the Rest of Us.”
The book came out last week and peaked at #3 on homeschooling books on Amazon. That’s kind of a big deal. And there’s a reason. The book is great. But that’s no surprise because she’s one of the truly honest, funny, and smart Catholic bloggers out there.
And the great thing is, she tells it like it actually is. She doesn’t just describe the best days of homeschooling when everything goes right. It’s also a survival guide for the hardest days but done with humor and insight.
I spoke to Rebecca the other day and she said this book is for people who homeschool and anyone even thinking about homeschooling. “It’s a book for prospective and beginning homeschoolers,” she said. “It kind of holds their hands and walks them through getting started.”
“There are plenty of books about homeschooling that are jam packed with information, and that try to tell you the “right way” to do it,” she said. “But few just tell you the truth and are straight with you.”
Rebecca said she’s read some books about homeschooling and, “they sometimes seem to be written for a paragon of motherhood that I’m not even smart enough to dream about being.”
This book talks about the difficult days where your children just won’t understand math or the day
the three year old finger-painted the couch while they were teaching religion.
In her book she discusses the strains and difficulties of homeschooling including having a child with learning disabilities.
I’m reading it now. I loved my children’s parish school but we recently became “regionalized” and now I’m unsure what to do so I’m considering homeschooling. This is the perfect book for me right now.
If you don’t believe me, here’s the words of some other bloggers who read Rebecca’s great book:
Abigail’s Alcove wrote:
Please buy this book most of all because Frech is funny! My public soundtrack to silently reading Frech’s unique style is giggles, titters, whoops, howls, snorts and the ubiquitous “she did not just say that!” Frech is an amusing writer. Her unique voice stands out among all the other “How To” Homeschooling manuals that are already out there.
I hate reading homeschooling books in general. Yet I adore this one. I hope this is the first of many of Frech’s books I have the pleasure of collecting, savoring, and rereading on a doubtful “Why Am I Doing This Anyway?” kind of day.
House Unseen writes:
I read this book from cover to cover in just two sittings. Can a non-fiction book in question/answer format be a page-turner? I’m going to say yes. Rebecca is funny, honest, experienced, and…I don’t know….regular? Like, she doesn’t claim to be GOOD AT ALL THE THINGS or the perfect anything. Except for being the perfect person to be her kids’ mom, which we all are, and that’s kind of the point, right? Despite our shortcomings, we have our kids’ best interest at heart so whether or not we choose to homeschool (yes, you heard right. She freely acknowledges that homeschooling isn’t for everyone at every stage of life. Good stuff, yes?), we can trust ourselves to make the best decisions for our children.
She’s just so encouraging and funny and has her finger on the pulse of parenting life rightthissecond. Her eldest is on her way to college and her youngest is on her way to potty training, so we’re talking the full gamut of parenting and homeschooling experience here.
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