Kudos to the bravery of Sony. The video game manufacturer has stood up to Christians and the Church of England. Wow! I mean nobody has the guts to stand up against Christians nowadays.

Even the Prime Minister today gave his backing to the Church of England in the row over Sony’s use of Manchester Cathedral as a setting for a gory computer game. Virtual images of the interior of the cathedral feature prominently in a violent shoot-out in the flagship PlayStation 3 game Resistance: Fall of Man.

“We are quite brave for attacking a church which everybody fears and respects nowadays,” said a Sony spokesperson. Asked why they did not stage the violent video game in a mosque, Sony officials declined to comment on the record but unofficially said, “Are you out of your mind? Do you realize the heat we’d get for showing violence having anything to do with Islam…uh…which is the religion of peace as we all know and appreciate. This interview is over.”