If providing abortions were a good thing as abortionists claim why dont they tout the fact that the percentage of black babies killed by abortion in the United States is nearly 37%, in proportion to the overall black population of the United States, which is 13%?
No. Instead, they never want to discuss this at all. Or the predominance of abortion clinics in black neighborhoods. Why not? If they’re doing a service, why not tout it?
In a series of tweets, Catholic Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier of South Africa said the numbers look “like a genocide.”
1/3 Guttmacher Institute estimates that since 1973 USA has aborted 57 million+ babies! Isn't this something we should be apologizing for?
— Cardinal Napier (@CardinalNapier) July 2, 2016
2/3 Of those 57 million+ babies disproportionate number, +/- 31% have been Black! Isn't that also something we should be apologizing for?
— Cardinal Napier (@CardinalNapier) July 2, 2016
3/3 That figure starts looking like a genocide when one factors in that Black women make up only 13% of total number of women in USA,
— Cardinal Napier (@CardinalNapier) July 2, 2016
I’m thinking he’s right.
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