I wish their faith in Christ equaled their faith in Fauci.
Georgetown, a Jesuit university, is looking to protect students from Covid and monkeypox by wearing masks. Uhm…have they read how monkeypox is spread? I don’t think a mask will help.
Georgetown University is requiring its students to continue wearing masks during in-class instruction this fall amid lingering cases of COVID-19 and nationwide outbreaks of monkeypox.
The mask mandate, which applies to students in classrooms and teaching laboratories, does not apply to “informal gatherings” at places such as libraries and study spaces, according to public health guidance the Washington, D.C., school released Wednesday.
Students heading into the third fall term since the pandemic are also required to mask up on university-sponsored public transportation and in university health care facilities. In accordance with ongoing D.C. rules, every student who was in quarantine must continue wearing masks for 10 days.
This is the ultimate in virtue signaling. And parents are paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to send their children to this indoctrination camp where they are mask wearing leftist zombies.
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