The world trembles off its axis. Our social bonds have frayed and untethered. Depression is rampant. Suicide skyrockets. Addiction overwhelms. Mental illnesses are celebrated. Our food is poison.

Anger dominates while apathy keeps us in place.

Truth splintered into billions of subjective fragments.

Our schools no longer educate, but inculcate.

In this moment when people are questioning if this country is worth fighting for, politicians seem intent upon dragging us into World War 3.

We no longer trust our “leaders.” They very word deserves air quotes. We no longer trust our media. The very institutions that ask to serve and protect us seek to rule us, exploit us.

Who can save us?

There is only one way. One truth. One path to life. Jesus is the only answer.

So many are searching for the answer but don’t want Jesus to be the answer. He is.

We know we are broken, each of us. Give God a chance to make you whole.