Vanity Fair wrote a piece, saying, “Behind the Catholic Right’s Celebrity-Conversion Industrial Complex.”

The subhead is “From Russell Brand to JD Vance to Candace Owens, what happens when the Catholic Church chases influencers—and their legions of followers—down the rabbit hole of the right?”

Here’s my rules. If Vanity Fair is upset at the Catholic Church, something good is happening in the world. That seems like a good rule.

VF clearly thinks this is all political because they’re moral morons. Politics is downstream of religion. But for them, everything is politics and religion itself bows down in subservience to party affiliation.

They also seem to think its dangerous for men to act like…well…men. So yeah, there’s that.

I just think that we’ve been playing Cultural Jenga long enough and people have caught on that this whole thing is about to collapse unless we figure out what our foundation is. And guess what it is. Yup. It’s the Church. Even atheists are calling themselves “cultural Christians” now for fear of the woke brigade tearing everything apart.

Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. That is the only thing that can be built on. The more people accept that, the quicker we can get to re-building our shaky culture.