Our rights are derived from our Creator. This puts them out of the reach of despots who would seek to curb them. Life. Speech. The right to bear arms.

The left doesn’t seem to hold those rights as sacrosanct but instead of attacking them head on, they undermine them by minting new “rights.”

The right to abortion? Does God give us the right to destroy other human beings?

The right to marry people of the same sex. Can a Christian believe that God believes that is a right?

The right to force you to acknowledge somebody’s supposed gender switch?

Do these rights come from God?

Human rights are established to free us. They are for the prisoners, not for the warden.

These newly minted “rights” from the left limit freedom. Their “women’s rights” destroys the unborn. Their redefinition of marriage hollows out the meaning of marriage and harms the family. Their demand that you say something you know is not true by accepting their gender whim specifically violates your God given freedom of speech. It would force you to lie.

Human rights are from our benevolent Creator. These new rights come from self-serving politicians. This is the lie from the serpent. “You shall be like gods.” And by creating “rights” these people see themselves as gods among men. But these new “rights” are not from God. They are from those seeking to undermine our true connection with the divine.

These can not be accommodated. They must be rejected as lies seeking to imprison us, not free us.