I don’t always get my Catholic news from Ben Shapiro but when I do, it’s this one. Ben Shapiro read the book and saw the movie so he’s got this one down.

It’s from Hollywood and that’s all most of you needed to know. But this one has a heckuva’ cast. Ralph Fiennes and Stanley Tucci among others. It looks expensive.

So this movie is about a conclave where the next pope will be chosen. Of course there’s intrigue and conspiracies and plots. But guess who the baddies are. Just guess. Yup. How’d you know? It’s the faithful Catholics who want the faith handed down from Christ to resemble the faith handed down by Christ. The good guys are those who want to change everything. In short, this is the anti-Malachi Martin movie.

And you’ll never guess how it ends. Yup. They elect a female pope. I’m not kidding. Ben Shapiro will tell you all about it if you’re interested in the details. But this is anti-Catholic Oscar bait. Avoid it.