Now, to be fair, the president of the college didn’t rule out the college hosting a drag show entirely in the future but it’s cancelled for now. And that’s good news. (Mind you, this is not the faithful Thomas Aquinas College in California.)

LoHud reports:

A student-organized drag show that was canceled by St. Thomas Aquinas College officials — who said the event conflicted with the private liberal arts school’s religious principles — has sparked a debate about the college’s identity.

The April 17 show was planned by the Gender and Sexuality Alliance club and was to feature performances by drag queens and kings — male and female students dressed as the opposite sex. Students had arranged for a professional drag queen from New York City to emcee the event.

The show and $150 in student activities funding for it was approved by the Student Government Association. But when the plan was sent to administrators to review, it was quashed.

College President Margaret Mary Fitzpatrick said in an interview that, in making the decision, the Catholic principle of “the dignity of the human person” was foremost in her mind.

“The question came to me — what would I think of a drag show on campus?” she said, recalling a conversation with Kirk Manning, vice president and dean for student development, who had spoken with students about the plan earlier.

“I thought there could be unintended consequences from a drag show,” she said. “I was nervous about it.”

Some students questioned the decision, saying they were confused about how much the college’s Catholic heritage factored into student activities. Some complained they felt discriminated against.

I always enjoy the argument that a drag show is an “educational” event. How? I think they mean indoctrinating.

Of course, there are drag shows going on all over the place at Catholic colleges around the country, especially (but not exclusively)at Jesuit universities.

I’m glad to see any Catholic college at least considering that maybe being a “Catholic” institution means something.
