Man, abortionists are getting lazy nowadays. Now, their desire to dispense abortion drugs after viewing patients through webcam, is in front of the high court in Iowa. Sheesh, remember the good ol’ days when abortionists would travel to any back alley to kill your baby for a fee? Now, they’re so fat and happy they want to do it via webcam – which is actually even more dangerous than the back alley.

This, from the abortion supporters who warned about the dangers of the back alley.

Now it’s “Have abortions drugs. Will not travel.”

The Iowa Supreme Court is currently deciding whether to uphold a ban on Planned Parenthood of the Heartland’s (PPH) “webcam abortions” in which off-site physicians remotely dispense two abortion-inducing drugs to patients they have not examined.

“This is a national test case,” said Matthew Heffron, an attorney for the Thomas More Society, after the high court heard oral arguments in the case on March 11.

Actually, this is all because abortion orgs can’t get enough doctors to agree to become abortionists. That’s what this is about. Many of the abortionists they have are graying and they’re not being replaced by younger abortionists. Let’s face it, you have to have something a bit screwy to make your living dismembering the unborn. So it’s understandable that there’s not a line of doctors waiting for their turn.

So this is actually a big battle. If they win this case, expect tele-med abortions to become a national thing. Planned Parenthood is asking the state’s court to overturn the decision of the state’s board of medicine. Yes, they are asking lawyers to overrule a medical decision made by doctors. Yup, the people whose mantra is that judges have no place involving themselves in decisions made between a woman and her doctor, are asking lawyers to involve themselves in medical decisions made by doctors. I guess consistency was never their thing.
