We Laugh Because We Believe

Month May 2007

Benedict’s Evangelical Blitzkrieg

The Philadelphia Church of God publishes a Magazine called the Trumpet. The current issue has an article on Pope Benedict that is certainly interesting. The language and point of view are interesting. The point of view is that of a… Continue Reading →

800 Pound Gorilla in the Room

CWN reports on a conference in Rome these past days discussing the future of Latin “with academics, politicians, and journalists discussing the role of the language in forming European identity.” Forget about creating a European identity, what about a Catholic… Continue Reading →

Something Doesn’t Stink in Jersey

I have long said that very little good happens in New Jersey. I take it back -just for today though. A new stained-glass window in the foyer at St. Augustine of Canterbury Church is set to be blessed and dedicated… Continue Reading →

Blair Visits Pope

CWN is reporting that Tony Blair will visit with the Pope before leaving office. This is sure to stoke the speculation fires regarding Mr. Blair’s future entry into the Catholic Church. So we have decided to gaze into our crystal… Continue Reading →

The True Meaning of Christmas

I just about fell off my chair when I saw this. But be warned, keep the kiddies away and the volume low. Mom is not happy that junior has decided to be an atheist!Warning: Graphic Language

The Bear and the Atheist

An atheist was walking through the woods. “What majestic trees! What powerful rivers! What beautiful animals!” he said to himself. Suddenly he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him and he turned to see a 7 foot grizzly charging… Continue Reading →

On Deaf Ears

John Allen has an editorial over at NCR in which he criticizes Pope Benedict for being “remarkably tone-deaf”. In support of his premise Allen sights the Regensburg speech which so upset the Muslim world last September and most recently the… Continue Reading →

Hitler Spoiled All The Fun:

How Eugenics is just misunderstood. There’s been a lot of talk about atheist’s books recently selling so well. Famous Atheist Richard Dawkins seems to be all over the news with his atheistic screed, “The God Delusion,” which dismisses all religious… Continue Reading →

Atheists See the Light, Sort of…

Interesting story from Bloomberg: Philanthropist and retired hedge-fund manager Robert W. Wilson said he is giving $22.5 million to the Archdiocese of New York to fund a scholarship program for needy inner-city students attending Roman Catholic schools. Wilson, 80, said… Continue Reading →

I Wanna Kill Babies When I Grow Up

The L.A. Times has an article that would be almost laughable were it not so monstrous. They report on young people who aspire to kill babies one day. These young folk are truly inspirational. Take fourth year medical student Megan… Continue Reading →

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