Congrats! It’s A Girl——Congratulations to Matthew and his wife on the birth of their 5th child. List of People Not to Hire for Church Architecture——Architecture resource web site is veritable wrecking crew. “Follow Me, Pilgrim” – The John Wayne of… Continue Reading →
Congratulations to Matthew and his wife on the birth of their 5th child, Bridget Mary. 7lbs something and several inches long. I know, I know, I can never remember that stuff.
The Georgetown Center for Liturgy has announced its new on-line liturgical art and architecture resource web site called EnvisionChurch. Though it uses cutting-edge technology, it uses outdated ideas from people whose time has passed. If you like the last gasps… Continue Reading →
Russell Shaw has an article on Catholic Exchange in which he wonders aloud that given the Pope’s reputation as timid, overly cautious, and slow to make decisions; After the last few weeks, if this is the timid and indecisive Pope,… Continue Reading →
Jacques Berlinerblau, an associate professor and program director at Georgetown University, asks if religious people and atheists can ever have a reasoned discourse? On the Georgetown/On Faith blog he queries: Can an atheist or agnostic commentator discuss any aspect of… Continue Reading →
Freshman Congressman Keith Ellison, the first Muslim elected to Congress, compared President Bush to Adolf Hitler last week while implying that the White House was involved in the World Trade Center attacks on 9/11. And this guy is an elected… Continue Reading →
Summorum Pontificum: A Template for Tardy Bishops——CMR lends the bishops a hand. Stem Cells vs. Partial Birth Abortion——When the issue is more important than the cure. Whatever Happened to Mortal Sin?——Fr. Tim Finigan on mortal sin and excuses. Hire Hookers… Continue Reading →
For years, the right pummeled the left with partial birth abortion exposing liberals as extremists out of touch with the mainstream. It was the right thing to do and it was good old fashioned “wedge” politics. But the liberals have… Continue Reading →
I have been studiously checking the diocesan reactions to Pope Benedict’s motu proprio on the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. The statements that have been issued have been interesting, to say the least. However, one cannot help but notice… Continue Reading →
A teenager in England has lost her High Court challenge to be allowed to wear a Christian “purity ring” to school, says SkyNews. Lydia Playfoot, 16, claimed the ban imposed by the Millais School in Horsham, West Sussex, was an… Continue Reading →
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