Off the I read how Obama was confronted by a pro-lifer in Pennsylvania recently. Obama, of course gave the usual tripe about how good people can disagree on the issue and how we are all for adoptions and all… Continue Reading →
In times when we read a lot about the shortage of vocations in the Catholic Church one Milwaukee family is definitely doing their part. Three brothers, Vincent, Luke and Jacob, are all studying to become priests, says Greater Milwaukee Today…. Continue Reading →
Some advertisements are iconic. They take on a life and sometimes a legend of their own. The political ads that have managed this feat are few and far between. Some are legendary for their appeal to fear, such as the… Continue Reading →
We’re Outnumbered!—Muslims more numerous than Catholics: Vatican Tattoos For Your Tike?—Are your kids ready to be inked? Book: Catholic Laura Igraham Anti Semitic—File this one under random accusations of anti-semitism. No evidence needed. Didn’t He Say No to a Flag… Continue Reading →
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) – Islam has overtaken Roman Catholicism as the biggest single religious denomination in the world, the Vatican said on Sunday. Monsignor Vittorio Formenti, who compiled the Vatican’s newly-released 2008 yearbook of statistics, said Muslims made up 19.2… Continue Reading →
If your kids are not ready to get really inked, Toys R Us is now selling “Lower Back Tattoos” for your rambunctious little girl situated right next to Hannah Montana stickers.
File this one under random accusations of anti-semitism. But this one is at least extraordinary because it offers no substantiation whatsoever. Eric Alterman’s new book on “Why We’re Liberals” attacks radio host Laura Ingraham for being anti-semitic based on: 1)… Continue Reading →
Didn’t He Say No to a Flag Pin?—For Obama Political Problems trump Principles in Flag Flap. At Villanova, Politics Trump Morality—Academic hipness trumps Augustinian Tradition. Bring Out Your Dead!—I’m feeling better. Shut up, you are brain dead. CNN Criticizes Miley… Continue Reading →
Remember, Obama bravely refused to wear a flag pin and the media hailed him as a hero. The Illinois senator explained months ago that he no longer wears such a pin, at least in part, because of the Iraq War…. Continue Reading →
Here’s the quote that jumped out at me in this piece by the Catholic Standard and Times concerning Michelle Obama’s visit to Villanova University: Casey Dolan, a senior at Villanova and a volunteer at the rally, encouraged the protesters in… Continue Reading →
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