So yesterday I went to Mass with my wife’s family in Philadelphia. Mass was nice except for the one year old in my arms who was the worst baby…evah. But following the Eucharist, the song was, “Mary, Did you Know?”… Continue Reading →
The MuuMuu Militia© strikes again and this time they are trying to take some European Bishops with them. The Baltimore Examiner has a typical article about how the priestesses turned-out in togas have begin their own congregation at a local… Continue Reading →
Just because. Too bad there is no modern day Bing who could melt the heart of our political leadership toward children. O Sanctissima ht Da Mihi Animas
We the…Who?—California’s top law enforcement officer says gay marriage law must be overturned. Got it? Are the U.S. Bishops Conservative?—Washington Post forces religious peg into a secular hole. Rick Warren On Homosexuality—Rick and Ann sittin’ in a tree… The Best… Continue Reading →
California’s top law enforcement officer today filed a brief opposing the will of the people. Yeah, well you remember all that “We the People” stuff you learned in school? Well forget it. Attorney General Jerry Brown filed a legal brief… Continue Reading →
The Washington Post in a story on the conscience clause which allows health care workers to refuse to perform actions they deem objectionable, the Washington Post had this paragraph: The rule is supported by a variety of conservative groups, including… Continue Reading →
Rick Warren On Homosexuality—Rick and Ann sittin’ in a tree… The Best Death Scenes—I pick mine, you pick yours. Charlie Brown’s Parents Arrested—Neglect and child abandonment top the list of crimes. NY Times Sees Old Church vs. New Church—NY Times… Continue Reading →
NBC’s Ann Curry sat down with Saddleback Pastor Rick Warren to find out why he hates gays so much. Ann asks Pastor Warren if he is a homophobe. When Warren laughs at the suggestion Curry screams “I AM SERIOUS!!! WHY… Continue Reading →
The parents of the popular Peanuts character Charlie Brown were arrested last night for child endangerment, neglect and other charges related to the effective abandonment of their children. The Brown child also has many bruises, some considered severe. The child… Continue Reading →
Yesterday I wrote a piece on my notion of a good death. One commenter rightfully pointed out the best possible death is “going down in a lightsaber fight against a Sith Lord, and then coming back as a sage spirit… Continue Reading →
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