We Laugh Because We Believe

Month February 2009

Ave Maria University Chapel to Get Monumental Sculpture

Ave Maria University announced on February 13th that they had hired Márton Váró, “a world renowned Hungarian sculptor” to carve a 35-foot tall, 50-ton Carrara marble sculpture of the Annunciation over the entry of the infamous and much criticized chapel… Continue Reading →

Planned Parenthood Thanks Sarah Palin

Embedded video from CNN Video Hmmm. The mainstream media is getting its stories from the Daily Kos? Who’d a thunk it? Gov. Sarah Palin, in response to the fundraising drive which benefited the abortion giant in her name, said that… Continue Reading →


Heather MacDonald of Secular Right used the occasion of the tragic Continental 3407 crash which killed 50 people to make a point about atheism. Will Bill O’Reilly or anyone else who saw the hand of God in the safe landing… Continue Reading →

Today On CMR – February 13, 2009

Please, Please Get Another Architect!—The people of the west coast deserve better than this. Oh No! Today Was Picture Day—A mishap, a spectacle, and a cautionary tale all in one. Rabbi: Libs Are Mishegoss—Orthdox Rabbi says left wingers trying to… Continue Reading →

Please, Please Get Another Architect!

Via Spirit DailyI read last night about a proposed new Divine Mercy Shrine on the west coast, shown here on the left. I am always happy to see fruit of the devotion to the Divine Mercy, since that devotion means… Continue Reading →

Oh No! Today Was Picture Day

We were running late this morning. Well, that’s not true. We weren’t running late. We were walking…plodding…ambling late because my children felt no urgency about the time whatsoever. Despite my pleas and protestations the girls stumbled and mumbled around the… Continue Reading →

Rabbi: Libs Are Mishegoss

From Lifesite News Reprinted without [much] comment becuase none is needed. Left Wing of the Catholic Church Destroying the Faith Says Orthodox Rabbi By Hilary White, Rome correspondent ROME, February 11, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The dissident, leftist movement in the… Continue Reading →

Today on CMR – February 12, 2008

Priest Calls Fidel Castro a Saint?—A tale of two reactions. 12 Year Old Pro-Lifer Speaks Out. Wow!—O.K. After Sarah serves two terms and then Jindal, let’s run this girl for President. Joe the Plumber or Julio the Burger Flipper?—Make your… Continue Reading →

Priest Calls Fidel Castro a Saint?

With one statement a Catholic priest has tarnished both the Catholic Church and the United Nations. Pretty amazing, huh? Fr. Miguel D’Escoto, a Catholic priest who was born in America but later joined the communist Sandanistas in Niceragua, is now… Continue Reading →

12 Year Old Pro-Lifer Speaks Out. Wow!

I think she lays it out pretty clearly. What do you think? H/T Cassy Fiano

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