We Laugh Because We Believe

Month July 2009

Settled Law That Unsettles

I have a question for you dear members of the creative minority. As you may know, at yesterday’s confirmation hearing Sotomayor quickly volunteered that abortion rights are settled law but refused to comment about gay marriage. How much more settled… Continue Reading →

Sotomayor Hedges on Gay Marriage

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa asked Judge Sotomayor some pointed questions today and recieved some unfocused if not downright evasive answers. Surprise Surprise. As you’ll surely remember Sotomayor called abortion “settled” because of previous decisions by courts. So Grassley used her… Continue Reading →

Watch This and Try Not to Smile

HT Right Wing Video

The Unforgiving Arithmetic of Pandemic

I know this may come as a shock, but I am going to recommend that you read an important article in L’Osservatore Romano. My fellow SummorumPontificum.net blogmate and Latin Mass enthusiast, Dr. Brian J. Kopp, DPM has a very interesting… Continue Reading →

Having Children Is Not Only About You

This is kind of touchy. A woman died leaving behind two toddlers. And I am sorry about that. But there’s more to the story that, I think, highlights a profound misunderstanding in our culture. The woman who died at 69… Continue Reading →

What’s A Little Sacrilege Among Friends?

First we had to endure months and months of carefully constructed messianic imagery of Barack Obama. That was bad. Then we had Obama thumbing his nose at faithful Catholics and the unborn with the assistance of the a turncoat and… Continue Reading →

Atheists Sue to Remove “In God We Trust”

The Star Tribune reports: The nation’s largest group of atheists and agnostics filed a lawsuit Tuesday seeking to block an architect from engraving “In God We Trust” and the Pledge of Allegiance at the Capitol Visitor Center in Washington. The… Continue Reading →

I Obviously Couldn’t Be Prouder

Yup. That’s my daughter’s picture in the Catholic Standard & Times receiving an award from our pastor Father Harry E. McCreedy and Bishop Joseph McFadden for the Year of St. Paul art contest at St. Paul Church in Norristown. I… Continue Reading →

Strange Bleeding Billboard

I can offer you no introduction other than to say this is the strangest thing I’ve seen since…I honestly don’t know when. My only question is wouldn’t a bleeding billboard cause accidents rather than prevent them? HT Right Wing Video

Newsflash: Sex Ed Leads to Pregnancy

This would be funny if it weren’t so tragic. Ask any sane grownup in the world outside of Great Britain what would happen if you teach children about sex in school, hand them pamphlets saying they have a “right” to… Continue Reading →

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