Remember when Obama told the joint session of Congress in his speech: And one more misunderstanding I want to clear up — under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain… Continue Reading →
While many Anglicans worldwide are now occupied with understanding what orthodoxy demands of them, the balance are otherwise occupied. While playing a fanciful dirge at the funeral of failed ecumenism, Anglican Bishop John Chapman sticks a knife in it just… Continue Reading →
Everywhere I go in the Catholic blogosphere somebody’s got an opinion on Chris West. Cheeky Pink Girl is defending him. Countless blogs including Steve Kellmeyer’s are very very upset with him. The furor surrounding West has grown to such a… Continue Reading →
As you know, we are very excited about the new book from CMR contributor Denis McNamara. For those of you who don’t know, Denis (DMac) is Assistant Director and Faculty Member at The Liturgical Institute located at Mundelein Seminary in… Continue Reading →
If Timothy McVeigh’s family went door to door trying to sell off his spare fertilizer as keepsakes for the victim’s families, it wouldn’t be more icky than this. Reiner Hoess, Rudolph Hoess’ grandson, clearly aims to be called the ickiest… Continue Reading →
For kicks and giggles – a round up of the fun, the foreseeable, and the absurd. What is it with the Brits? The are so delightfully overflowing with droll vitriol that I am left in a perpetual state of envy…. Continue Reading →
James Carroll, a former priest and current columnist for the Boston Globe, was obviously jealous of Maureen Dowd’s anti-papal polemics. So he one-upped her. Maybe even two-upped her, if that’s a word. I warn you that if you read on,… Continue Reading →
David Axelrod is lying about federal funding for abortion in Obamacare. And he’s doing it poorly to boot. But clearly the audience at the Kennedy School of Government was cool with that because as Greg Hengler points out, nobody called… Continue Reading →
My daughter got five wrong on a Math test. Five! I could tell the moment she appeared in the doorway of the school at the end of the day that something had gone wrong. Everyday, my seven year old daughter… Continue Reading →
We have a winner! This contest, which has lasted the last four years, has been rough and tumble. Many people have vied for the crown, but there can be only one. The winner for the single stupidest thing written about… Continue Reading →
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