We Laugh Because We Believe

Month November 2009

Name That Catholic

Be a part of the hottest new game show in the blogosphere. NAME THAT CATHOLIC? There are no parting gifts, no models, no anything. It’s just you guessing which Catholic said this quote? (Hint: the person who said this is… Continue Reading →

Stupak Is Not Hyde

In response to Matthew’s post “Did U.S. Bishops Caveat an Eternal Truth?” which asks how the Bishops could endorse health care when it will pay for some abortions (rape and incest), we received comments, emails, and tweets that take issue… Continue Reading →

Did U.S. Bishops Caveat an Eternal Truth?

I knew Saturday was a disaster for the country due to the deficit busting behemoth bureaucracies in the healthcare bill that passed. But it’s possible that a greater disaster occurred that has gone largely unremarked on. At the time of… Continue Reading →

The Greatness Of Promise Unfullfilled

My father-in-law is a great man. Today his greatness manifests itself in acts such as reading with the children; watching Hannah Montana marathons without complaint while taking care of the kids; giving my wife a little sanity time each week… Continue Reading →

D.C.: Childish Church Blackmailing City

The headline screams “Catholic Church gives D.C. ultimatum” and the D.C. city council accuses the Church of threats, and blackmail and harming the poor. If you read the Washington Post story today you’d never know that the D.C. City Council… Continue Reading →

The In-Decider: Obama Is No Chamberlain

Oh how they howled! Chuckled. Mocked. “What a simpleton,” they declared when George W. Bush referred to himself as “The Decider.” Obama, determined to be anything but Bush, should now just as boldy claim that he is “The In-Decider” WASHINGTON… Continue Reading →

Why Personally Pro-Life?

Senator Jack Reed is one of those “I’m personally pro-life but publicly pro-choice” Senators. But you will never hear a more eloquent defense of a “personally pro-life” stance. I mean it’s like Aquinas and Augustine had a baby together and… Continue Reading →

Kennedy Wants Gag Rule for Bishop

Congressman Patrick Kennedy’s recent public comments were puzzling as he criticized the Church publicly for not being pro-life because of its insistence on blocking abortion funding in the healthcare bill. I could task logicians for a year to figure out… Continue Reading →

Swarming Starlings

This is just really super cool to see. For some reason I can’t watch it without thinking how amazing God’s creation really is and how little I understand of it. And I’m ok with that. HT Viral Footage

What’s a “Moderate American?”

The New York Times published a news article on Nancy Pelosi’s decision to allow the Stupak amendment to come up for a vote. Their phraseology leads to a few questions. In the end, Ms. Pelosi decided that abortion opponents would… Continue Reading →

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