Patrick just wrote a post about the “Sign of Peace” at the National Catholic Register. Go check it out and then come back. It just reminded me of the worst sign of peace moment I’ve had. I was at Mass… Continue Reading →
This is the third in a series. (Read The Baby Gianna Story Part I, The Baby Gianna Story Part II) Jessica Chominski delivered this eulogy for Baby “Miracle Gianna:” On January 9, the world changed forever because of a baby… Continue Reading →
Part II In A Series –(Click Here for The Baby Gianna Story Part I) Rebecca had been on the fence for months over whether to abort her child as her boyfriend wanted her to. But through Jessica Chominski’s efforts and… Continue Reading →
Part I: Answering the Call Jessica Chominski fights for the lives of others. Little lives. The ones many don’t think are worth fighting for. She is the sole full time employee of the Bucks County Community Women’s Center, a crisis… Continue Reading →
It has been a tough time for the Anglicans lately. What with all the internal strife over women’s ordination, gay bishops, gay women bishops, Roman poaching, and such. These are the times that try gender neutral souls. So it warmed… Continue Reading →
As we well know bubble laws have been popping up all over the country in an attempt to prevent pro-lifers from being within shouting distance of abortion clinics and anyone considering having an abortion. I think those laws are silly… Continue Reading →
That guy’s pretty awesome though I have to question the importance of crossing back over the tracks. Hey, but the guy’s a hero who am I to question him? HT Viral Footage
At my parish they have renamed the narthex of the church as the “fellowship hall”. This novus nomenclature is intended to encourage parishioners, when leaving after mass, to engage each other on a personal level (e.g., smiling, hugging, and conversing)… Continue Reading →
As a Catholic conservative let me just beat Mark Shea to it–this is absolutely disgusting. It in no way represents conservative thinking. In fact, what it best represents is how muddled your thinking can become once one is untethered from… Continue Reading →
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