We Laugh Because We Believe

Month April 2010

Euthanasia Firm Dumping Ashes in Lake

This story is going to confuse the heck out of wacko environmentalists. On the one hand Dignitas, the euthanasia nuts responsible for the death of over a thousand people, are killing people. Yay! That’s great for the environment that all… Continue Reading →

Jesus Free Jobs

Christianity is the new secondhand smoke. Sure the libs will tell you, you’re allowed to smoke but if anyone else sees it, smells it, or inhales it, then it’s illegal. The ever expanding public sphere will similarly say that you… Continue Reading →

I’m Definitely a Better Dad Than This Guy

OK. I’ve got a lot of problems as a Dad but I’m definitely a better Dad than this guy. The Wall Street Journal reports: “Selling my kids on the Craigslist black market. I have two kids, two and one year… Continue Reading →

What Would Spongebob Do?

A twelve year old girl saved her friend’s life by asking herself the age old question which has inspired so many good works throughout the world: “What Would Spongebob do?” After watching this I’m still unsure how Spongebob inspired her… Continue Reading →

Palin, Subsidiarity, And Death Panels

Subsidiarity. Learn it. Live it. Love it. Last year during the run up to the eventual passing of the Obamacare bill, President Obama had to take to the airwaves several times to promote the bill. One significant reason why was… Continue Reading →

So Rubio Would be Barabbas?

Washington Post reporter Dana Milbank wrote on Sunday about the race between Gov. Charlie Crist and Marco Rubio. He wrote:“The crucifixion of Crist by Republican leaders says less about him than it does about the party.” I love when lib… Continue Reading →

OK. How Is This NOT A Death Panel?

Let all the elites laugh it up over how crazy and stupid Sarah Palin is until they request some kind of treatment and it gets denied by an advisory panel. White House Budget Director Peter Orszag explained in scary detail… Continue Reading →

2010 Public Employee Of The Year Awards

This is funny.

In Other Catholic News, Nevermind

This is what it has come to. This is what passes for reporting these days. Here is a story about a new European Stock Index for companies that are socially responsible and operate within the guidelines of Catholic teaching. Ok… Continue Reading →

Ridiculing Pope Benedict

In preparation for Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to Great Britain, a group of British diplomats circulated a memo offering suggestions for a to-do list of sorts for the Pope including launching a new line of ‘ Benedict’ condoms, inviting the… Continue Reading →

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