We Laugh Because We Believe

Month July 2010

Ordered to Stop Praying Outside Supreme Court

Can anyone be surprised at this? Fox News reports that a group of Christian students were told it was illegal to pray outside the Supreme Court building and ordered to leave. The students were part of a junior high school… Continue Reading →

Ya’ Gotta’ Give Stupak Credit

Faux pro-lifer Bart Stupak is accusing pro-lifers of playing politics with life. Yeah. Read that again. Bart Stupak is accusing pro-lifers of playing politics with life. Man, you’ve got to give the guy credit, when Stupak sells his vote he… Continue Reading →

A Gay Futuristic Romance Anti-War Movie?

Big Hollywood is reporting on a new movie by the Wachowski siblings that brought you The Matrix. For seven months now, we’ve been hearing about the secret next-film for The Wachowski Brothers, a Hard-R rated ‘cinema verite-style gay romance Iraq… Continue Reading →

There Are Witches In My Basement

I have long been an advocate of Bishops taking a harder line with leaders receiving communion who openly oppose Church teaching and advocate immoral policies. Bishops have understandably been reticent to withhold communion, but now one Bishop has said enough… Continue Reading →

Top 10 Ways To Know You’re Likely To Hear Something Anti–Catholic

Anti-Catholicism is on the rise and despite its frequency many Catholics often seem surprised to hear it. CMR is here to help by offering you the top ten clues that you’re about to hear something anti-Catholic. We break it down… Continue Reading →

In Lieu of Flowers, Vote Against Harry Reid

This is just priceless. Sadly, it is too late for any of us to meet Charlotte McCourt. The Nevada grandmother passed away this week at the age of 84 after a long illness. But it is not too late for… Continue Reading →

ObamaCare Now Funding Abortions in PA

“We’ve been able to come up with an agreement to respect the sanctity of life on health care reform. There will be no public funding for abortion in this legislation. We’ve all stood on principle.” -Congressman Bart Stupak on March… Continue Reading →

Oh No! Bristol Palin & Levi Johnston Engaged!

I was happy last week to see that there had been some reconciliation between the Palins and Mr. Johnston. This however… NEW YORK — Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston say they’re engaged – and they haven’t told her parents yet…. Continue Reading →

Is This Mass or a World Cup Pep Rally?

This is pretty awful. You’ve got a Catholic Church adorned with soccer balls, everyone (including the priest) dressed in orange in preparation for the World Cup final, and the priest smiling and as Al Kresta said “mugging for the camera… Continue Reading →

Greatest Lawsuit Ever!

Daily Mail reports the most frivolous lawsuit ever. Daily Mail reports: A teacher in Australia is claiming half a million pounds in compensation because she says she permanently damaged her larynx yelling at rowdy children. Her voice was damaged, she… Continue Reading →

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