We Laugh Because We Believe

Month December 2010

A Little O Holy Night

I love Christmas and this song gets me like no other. I love the lyrics. O holy night! The stars are brightly shining, It is the night of our dear Saviour’s birth. Long lay the world in sin and error… Continue Reading →

Super Cute Nativity Story

I loved it. HT Right Network

A Great Story on the Nashville Dominicans: on NPR!

National Public Radio is not what one might call particularly Catholic friendly. As the national voicebox for the values of Modernity, they often have a hard time understanding ideas that preexist Kant, Descartes and Nietzsche. But even NPR can’t resist… Continue Reading →

Lame Duck? No. Zombie Duck

The lame duck session of Congress is finally over. This session of congress has been called “the most ambitious legislative agenda that’s ever been pursued in a lame-duck session since the 20th Amendment.” Since the what amendment? The 20th amendment…. Continue Reading →

Christian Bale to Play Heroic Priest

This looks pretty interesting. MTV reports: Bale will headline “Nanjing Heroes,” a period drama about the Massacre of Nanjing, also known as the”Rape of Nanking, from award-winning Chinese filmmaker Zhang Youmi (“Hero,” “Raise the Red Lantern”)… In the film, Bale… Continue Reading →

A Honus Wagner Christmas

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports: The School Sisters of Notre Dame, who had been bequeathed the 100-year-old card, thought they had a buyer last month when it sold for $220,000 at a Dallas-based auction house. When that buyer reneged, auction officials… Continue Reading →

Don’t You Make My Red State Blue

Many are cheering some pretty radical populations shifts in the latest Census. Folks from blue areas are moving to red areas. Shock, right? And some of those blue areas are losing representation. And that’s all well and good. Overall, I’d… Continue Reading →

The Case For Personhood

Personhood. Personhood for the unborn. What pro-lifer could be against such a thing. Well, I suppose that no pro-lifer is opposed to personhood in principle. Some oppose personhood as a strategy. Personhood can never work, they say. At least not… Continue Reading →

This May Scare the Heck Out of You

Dude. I warn you. If you watch this, it may make you very nervous about our country’s safety. Obviously, this is a major flub. I’m not so much concerned about the man as I am about the communication going on… Continue Reading →

Catholicism: A Trailer

This series called “Catholicism” by Father Robert Barron looks great. Fr. Barron is truly brilliant. He has the ability to make complex theological points that make sense to even idiots like me. I think he’s still looking for help funding… Continue Reading →

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