Wow. The President of NOW in California is publicly agreeing with Jerry Brown’s assessment of Republican Meg Whitman. They’re agreeing that yup, she’s a whore. Weasel Zippers reports: Last week, the National Organization for Women and the PAC of the… Continue Reading →
The Susan B. Anthony List, a pro-life PAC, recently tried to place an ad on four billboards stating that Ohio Representative Steve Driehaus voted for federally funded abortion when he voted for Obamacare. Driehaus didn’t like that and sent out… Continue Reading →
Catholic schools should give priority to Catholics. In the UK, this is a controversial statement. Children of married couples should be given priority for places at Catholic faith schools, a leading religious figure has suggested. Ashley Beck, dean of studies… Continue Reading →
CMR friend Adam Wilson of the Cardinal Newman Society just informed me that a young wife and mother has been rushed to the hospital. “I just learned that a close friend, who was recently diagnosed with MS, has been admitted… Continue Reading →
Could there be a story more indicative of our times? McDonalds in Hong Kong are now offering up their restaurants for wedding ceremonies as well as receptions. Yeah, this is about how serious marriage is taken nowadays. I could see… Continue Reading →
I know for years our elected officials have ignored the Constitution but they’re not supposed to say their true feelings in public. But here it is – a Dem congressman saying outright that the Constitution is wrong. For BIG GOVERNMENT… Continue Reading →
Well the debate between Senate candidates O’Donnell and Coons happened last night in Delaware wherein took place this little exchange. “I would argue that more people would support my Catholic beliefs than his Marxist beliefs.” I hope that is true,… Continue Reading →
For Bristol Palin, a teen mother who has publicly endorsed a “pause before your play” kind of abstinence, maybe this wasn’t a great idea. Look, I understand the Rumba is supposed to be a sexy dance and all but ripping… Continue Reading →
You want THE most outrageous story of the day this has got to be it. The state of Arkansas is funding a gay bar. Seriously. Tolbert Report: A non-profit organization called “Brotha’s and Sistah’s Inc.” (B&S) applied for and received… Continue Reading →
Thanks to Tony Rossi for writing this piece. I know so many Catholics suffer from infertility and it’s great to know there are pro-life options: “Infertility is one of the most painful things I have ever seen a couple or… Continue Reading →
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